ADD attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) links to sites on alternative treatments for ADHD

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ADHD Links

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Organizations and Research

The ADD Action Group: A non-profit organization that helps people find alternative solutions for Attention Deficit Disorder, Learning Differences, Dyslexia and Autism. The ADD Action Group espouses the belief that because there is not one cause for these conditions, there is not one solution, and that each person is unique in their particular needs.

Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD): CHADD was founded in 1987 in response to the frustration and sense of isolation experienced by parents and their children with ADD. At that time, there were very few places one could turn to for support or information and AD/HD was seriously misunderstood by many people. Indeed, children and adults with AD/HD were often wrongly labeled a"behavior problem", "unmotivated", or "not intelligent enough" - and many clinicians and educators knew little about ADD. CHADD is a national organization with over 32,000 members and more than 500 chapters nationwide, providing support and information on ADHD.

The National Attention Deficit Disorder Association (ADDA): ADDA is dedicated to the idea that ADHD is much more than a neurobiological "disorder." People with ADHD are some of the most talented, energetic, and loving people on the planet. ADDA's mission is not only to educate, teach, and lobby for our rights, but to cultivate and rally the varied talents of the ADHD community. ADDA supports training, conferences, and research into ADHD's causes and treatment.

Born To Explore!: The Other Side of ADHD: A clearinghouse for positive and alternative information. There are many things other than "neurological defects" that might cause a person to fall within the DSM IV diagnostic criteria for ADHD, such as giftedness, natural temperamental traits, allergies and nutritional deficiencies. While this site is not anti-medication, there are common-sense alternatives for adults and children that could be explored before resorting to the standard "quick fix" medicinal approach usually recommended.

UC Davis M.I.N.D. (Medical Investigation of Neurodevelopmental Disorders) Institute: For growing numbers of families, neurodevelopmental disorders transform dreams into a nightmare. To help those with neurodevelopmental disorders live active and healthy lives, the University of California, Davis, Health System has established a unique interdisciplinary institute to conduct research and provide clinical programs focused on these disorders.

Current Research on Attention Deficit Disorder: Science Daily offers annotated links to many current research papers and studies from various publications and institutions.

Apraxia-Kids: This website is an information source offered by the Childhood Apraxia of Speech Association. Apraxia-Kids is the most comprehensive site on the web related to childhood apraxia of speech, its diagnosis and treatment, as well as other speech and language issues related to children with developmental delays or late talkers. Apraxia of speech is the difficulty or inability in volitionally sequence the motor patterns for sounds, syllables or words in the absence of paralysis, or lowered tone of the articulators. This extensive site has original articles from experts on apraxia in children as well as other professionals and parents. The site is especially a good resource in that it was written and designed to be accessible and understandable to parents as well as professionals.

Child Neurology Society: The CNS is a 1300-member non-profit professional association of pediatric neurologists devoted to fostering the discipline of child neurology and promoting the optimal care and welfare of children with neurological and neurodevelopmental disorders. Composed of academic and practicing pediatric neurologists, the CNS has a four part mission to ensure and maintain excellence in patient care, education and training, research, and advocacy.

The MAX Foundation: The MAX Foundation is a not for-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of Special Education awareness and to supporting deserving schools, research centers and organizations providing for children with special needs. These issues include Autism and its spectrum disorders, Learning and Speech Delays, Neurological Impairments, Emotional Disorders, and other Developmental Disabilities.

Visual Literacy Solutions: Highly successful Literacy and Behavior Intervention Programs focused on addressing the "root" causes which block learning. Adults and children can now eliminate their challenges in learning to read, write, spell or do math. Visual Literacy Solutions utilizes a distinctly effective combination of Traumatic Incident Reduction (TIR), Skilled Counselling Techniques, and the widely successful methods outlined in "The Gift of Dyslexia" and "The Gift of Learning" by Ronald Davis. They deliver education, correction and healing while working together with parents, teachers, and supportive individuals who share a commitment in addressing the specialized learning needs of Dyslexia, ADD, ADHD mild FAS and high functioning Autistic individuals. Individual, group or family programs are available.

FMRI Study: Autism and ADHD: Executive Functions and Brain Mechanisms: The goals of this project are two-fold: The first goal is to compare a profile of executive function abilities (planning, shifting attention, inhibition) in children with autism and in children with ADHD. The second goal is to use fMRI (Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging) to examine differences in brain activation in these two disorders during a response inhibition task. This study will help researchers possibly define behavioral markers and neural mechanisms for characterizing autism and ADHD. They are looking for children (ages 8-12) to join a sub-group of children with high functioning autism, ADHD, or control subjects.

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Support Groups & Mailing Lists

ADD/ADHD Support Group: Includes sections on news, information, education, research, natural remedies, books, forum & events, chat room & support groups, freeware and creative ADDers.

ADDult Support of Washington for Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder: A non-profit organization based in Tacoma whose purpose is to educate adults and the professionals who treat them about Attention Deficit Disorder. ADHD in Adults (all types) is a condition very few clinicians have been trained to recognize until just recently. Most adults with ADHD were mistakenly given one of these three "labels": 1. Bipolar Disorder; 2. Atypical Depression; 3. Personality Disorder. A lot of useful information and articles can be found here.

Support for Spouses and Significant Others of People with ADD/ADHD: This website was created to share the information that the author found to be useful as a wife of a husband with ADD, with the hope of helping cope with the unique problems we face living and loving people with ADD/ADHD.

ADDvance Magazine: A Resource Site for Women and Girls with Attention Deficit Disorder, the only site on the web dedicated to providing the best, most up-to-date information and resources for females with ADHD. Online articles, lectures & workshops and many other links.

Parents of Allergic Children (PAC): This non-profit support group, founded in 1992, provides support and information to parents whose children suffer from allergies to foods, chemicals and the environment. The main focus of the support group is for children with learning and/or behavior problems due to allergies and nutrition.

Women's Support Groups: Information about existing support groups for women dealing with ADHD, as well as information about women who would like to help form groups in their areas. Includes several online resources and many regional support groups. Updated bi-monthly.

ADDed Attractions: ADDed Attractions is a free newsletter available electronically and filled with timely and valuable articles about medication,parent coaching, school, legal issues concerning special education and more. There are also a number of e-mail lists that can be joined here for support for ADHD-related matters.

ADHD Support Groups: These links are provided as a service of CHADD.

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General Information on ADHD


Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Part of the "Report of the Surgeon General: Mental Health", this is a very good overview from the NIMH perspective with a section on treatments for ADHD as well.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: National Institutes of Health Consensus Development Conference Statement; November 16-18, 1998. This statement was originally published as: "Diagnosis and Treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. NIH Consens Statement 1998 Nov 16-18; 16(2): 1-37.

Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: American Description: The DSM-IV Model.

Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: European Description: The ICD-10 Classification of Mental and Behavioural Disorders World Health Organization, Geneva, 1992.

ADHD Living Guide: Provides interactive features that help with the care coordination of a child with ADHD. The website offers features such as the medication side effect log, build your own behavior plan, symptom tracking, personal calendars, and discussion boards. Additionally, the site provides information on ADHD written especially for parents, kids, teenagers, teachers, and physicians.

Behavioral Treatment for ADHD: A General Overview: The information presented here is intended to provide a general overview of a behavioral approach to improving children's behavior. Designing and implementing an effective behavioral plan will vary from one child to the next, however, and consultation with an experienced child mental health professional is recommended.

ADHD / Special Needs Resources for Parenting and Teaching Misunderstood Kids: "Outside the Box!": Original articles, letters, strategies, message boards, current news related to ADHD/learning disabilities, events calendar, annotated lists of links for online resources, print resources, discussion lists and educational alternatives for teachers and parents of kids who have ADHD and similar disabilities. An uplifting site.

The ADHD Owner's Manual: A general overview site on ADHD, including tips for teachers, information on medications, the neurology of ADHD and behavioral interventions.

The WWW Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD/ADHD) FAQ Website: These pages give answers to frequently asked questions about ADHD, including background, treatments, sources for additional information, recent research and adult ADHD tests.

Children Who Can't Pay Attention: ADHD: From The American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry . A child presenting with ADHD symptoms should have a comprehensive evaluation. A child with ADHD may have other psychiatric disorders such as conduct disorder, anxiety disorder, depressive disorder, or manic-depressive disorder.

50 Tips on the Management of Adult ADD: In this pamphlet, the importantly respected group. "Pendulum Resources", outlines some general principles that apply both to children and adults concerning the non-medication aspects of the treatment of ADD/ADHD.

Scientific AmericanFeature Article: Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A new theory suggests the disorder results from a failure in self-control. ADHD may arise when key brain circuits do not develop properly, perhaps because of an altered gene or genes. By Russel A. Barkley, Director of Psychology and Professor of Psychiatry and Neurology at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center in Worcester.

Dr. Barkley's ADHD Seminar Notes: Dr. Russell Barkley, widely considered to be the leading research psychologist working on ADHD. He has authored several books on attention deficit disorder, including the classic Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A Handbook for Diagnosis and Treatment as well as other books, such as Taking Charge of ADHD : The Complete, Authoritative Guide for Parents.

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Behavioral and Educational Concerns for Children with ADHD


Suggested Classroom Interventions For Children With ADHD & Learning Disabilities: This page provides some practical suggestions that can be used in the regular classroom as well as the special education classroom. By looking through a given list of interventions, a teacher will be able to select one or more strategies that are suited to a specific child in a specific environment. Topics include Ideas for Attention Deficit Children, Strategies for Cognitively Impulsive Children and Suggested Classroom Accommodations for Specific Behaviors.

School Discipline: A position paper prepared by the national Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorders (CHADD).

Attention Deficit Disorder: What Teachers Should Know: This document was developed by the Chesapeake Institute with The Widmeyer Group, Washington, D.C., as part of contract #HS92017001 from the Office of Special Education Programs, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, United States Department of Education.

Visual Literacy Solutions: Highly successful Literacy and Behavior Intervention Programs focused on addressing the "root" causes which block learning. Adults and children can now eliminate their challenges in learning to read, write, spell or do math. Visual Literacy Solutions utilizes a distinctly effective combination of Traumatic Incident Reduction (TIR), Skilled Counselling Techniques, and the widely successful methods outlined in "The Gift of Dyslexia" and "The Gift of Learning" by Ronald Davis. They deliver education, correction and healing while working together with parents, teachers, and supportive individuals who share a commitment in addressing the specialized learning needs of Dyslexia, ADD, ADHD mild FAS and high functioning Autistic individuals. Individual, group or family programs are available.

Educational Rights for Children with Attention Deficit Disorder or ADHD: Because many children with ADHD experience significant academic difficulties, it is very important for parents to be aware of the special educational services that public schools are required to provide. Unfortunately, many children with ADHD do not receive the services they are entitled to, and parents are often unaware of the assistance their child should be receiving.

Suggested Classroom Interventions For Children With ADHD & Learning Disabilities: Children with attention deficit disorder and/or learning disabilities can be a challenge for any classroom teacher. This page provides some practical suggestions that can be used in the regular classroom as well as the special education classroom. By looking through a given list of interventions, a teacher will be able to select one or more strategies that are suited to a specific child in a specific environment.

ADDHELP: Solutions for Teachers and Parents of ADD/ADHD Kids: An interesting user-friendly site with separate sections for parents and teachers. Based on the two books, Power Parenting for Children with ADD/ADHD, by Grad L. Flick, Ph.D., and How to Reach and Teach ADD/ADHD Children, by Sandy Rief.

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Diagnostic Questionnaires, Tests and Symptom Checklists

Adult ADD Symptom Checklist: This scorable questionnaire, developed by Daniel G. Amen, MD for assisting in the diagnosis of adults with ADHD is provided courtesy of ADDult Support of Washington for Adults with ADD.

Does My Child Have an Attention Disorder?: This site has a good overview of symptoms, subtypes, and professional evaluation for children with ADHD. Part of the website.

Visual Literacy Solutions: This resource for highly successful literacy and behavioral intervention programs focused on addressing the "root" causes which block learning offers a free "Symptoms Assessment Profile For Visual-Spatial Learners". Visual Literacy Solutions utilizes a distinctly effective combination of Traumatic Incident Reduction (TIR), Skilled Counselling Techniques, and the widely successful methods outlined in "The Gift of Dyslexia" and "The Gift of Learning" by Ronald Davis.

Parent's Checklist for Related Visual Proplems: Some symptoms attributed to ADD/ADHD are also seen in children and adults with visual problems, sensory integration dysfunction and/or allergies. Children with undetected vision problems are sometimes inaccurately diagnosed as having ADHD.

ADHD: Suggested Evaluation Guidelines: It is a common misperception that a child, adolescent, or adult can be tested for ADHD. After reviewing the diagnostic criteria for ADHD, however, it should be clear that no single test could accomplish this task.

Diagnosis of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: This extensively interactive program is offered by Internet Mental Health ( as an aid to diagnosis and is not a substitute for expert clinical judgement by a licenced mental health professional.

"Attention Deficit Test Safer, More Accurate for Children": Report: A brain signal test invented by Australian scientists may provide the first objective and safe way for doctors to diagnose children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The test also appears to confirm that the condition, which reportedly affects 5% to 8% of children, has a biological basis. The test, known as steady state probe topography, found significant differences in activity in the front of the brain in 13 boys with the disorder, compared with 18 "normal" boys.

ADHD: Suggested Evaluation Guidelines: It is a common misperception that a child, adolescent, or adult can be tested for ADHD. After reviewing the diagnostic criteria for ADHD, however, it should be clear that no single test could accomplish this task.

Checklist to Help Identify Girls with AD/HD: A checklist of possible manifestations of AD/HD in girls - a self-report questionnaire, for your daughter to review. Many of the issues and experiences for girls with AD/HD are "internal" and, therefore, not observable by others. This checklist is unique in that respect. Most AD/HD rating scales primarily focus upon observable behaviors as reported by others (parents and teachers). Because so many experiences of AD/HD are "internalized" for girls, we can only become fully aware ofthe issues with which they struggle by asking them directly. Written and developed by Kathleen G. Nadeau, Ph.D. and Patricia Quinn, M.D.

Amen Clinic ADHD Subtype Test : This 58-question rating scale developed by Dr. Daniel G. Amen is interactive and offers suggestions on possible identification of various subtypes of ADHD and it's symptomology, as well as specific pharmaeceutical recommendations. A similar Adult ADHD Test is also available.

The Attention Deficit Disorder Behavior Rating Scale (ADDBRS):The ADDBRS was designed specifically to help school personnel and psychologists make a proper referral. The ADDBRS is a normed behavior check list that is now being used by over 4000 counselors, psychologists, teachers and medical doctors in diagnosing Attention Deficit Disorders. The scale and other materials are avalable from this site for a fee.

Allergy Testing for ADHD: This site gives backgrounds and information on the symptoms of allergic responses, recommended treatments, an explanation of and resources for allergy testing and other nutritional information.

Diagnosing ADHD in Adults: Hyperactivity is more difficult to diagnose in adults than children, according to researchers. More studies are needed in this area. Studies have also determined that adults with ADHD have lower brain metabolism than normal adults. Hyperactive adults are generally not nearly as fidgety as children or teens, but they do have the symptoms such as restlessness, attention difficulties, and impulsiveness.

Balance-Check: ADHD: Attention Deficit Disorder (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is a difference in brain functioning that can have disastrous consequences in our society if undiagnosed and untreated. It can also be a blessing when recognized. It is not an easy diagnosis. Only a trained and experienced professional should attempt such a diagnosis. The information on this site is not a substitute for such work. This site is to give the public, those who have ADHD, as well as those who live and work with them more information.

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Pharmacology for ADHD and Medication Issues


The Use of Medication in Treating Attention Deficit Disorder and ADHD: An overview of the use in general of medications for ADHD with a very good question and answer section. Discusses, in a fairly balanced way, some alternative treatments, but does not endorse them.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Medication Information: Here you will find information on how medications are used in the treatment of ADHD symptoms, as well as their side effects. You will also find information on other medications used to improve behavior, mood and learning in children and teens. Parents of children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder need to have full information, so all medications mentioned are linked to complete online drug monographs.

Choice of Second-Line Medications for ADHD: From the well-known University of Chicago's "Dr. Bob's Psychopharmacology Tips", this page leads to discussions and professional opinions in the newest information on such medications as guanfacine (Tenex), bupropion (Wellbutrin), venlafaxine, clonidine, and desipramine/imipramine.

Indiana Prevention Resource Center: Non-Medical Use of Ritalin: Ritalin is used in the treatment of Attention Deficit/Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD), and in the treatment of narcolepsy. In recent years, the frequency of diagnosis for attention deficit disorder has increased dramatically, especially since adults are now diagnosed with this disorder that had previously been considered a children-only disease. Prescriptions for Ritalin have increased more than 600% over the past five years according to the DEA, and a significant portion of these prescriptions are diverted for illicit non-medical use.

Ritalin, Adderall & Other Stimulants: Further Resources: Dr. Peter R. Breggin's often controversial book, Talking Back to Ritalin : What Doctors Aren't Telling You About Stimulants for Children, and the "Just Say No To Drugs" campaign was aimed at discouraging children from experimenting with dangerous and addictive drugs such as amphetamine and Ritalin. Today there are more children taking Ritalin and amphetamine from doctors than ever received them from the illegal pushers and the ready availability of prescribed stimulants had led to their increasing illegal use by children and youth. What has happened to our society's values? The answers to these questions are complex. The following resources can assist in that process.

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Diet, Nutrition, Supplements and Herbs for ADHD


Diet, ADHD and Behavior: A Quarter Century Review: This subsite of the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) contains a parents' guide, reports and press releases on diet, ADHD and behavior, as well as scientists' letters to the Deaprtment of Health and Human Services.

ADD ADHD Help Center: Information about Attention Deficit Disorder, ADHD medications, ADHD symptoms, causes of ADHD and safe alternatives to Ritalin, Adderall, Concerta and Dexedrine. This site also offers Vaxa's highest quality nutritional supplements - Attend, Extress, and Memorin.

Pycnogenol: The Secret of Treating ADHD Without Drugs: Includes information on Masquelier's Original OPCs, the brain-immune connection, the relationship between anti-oxidants and neurotransmitters, as well as other useful nutritional therapies to consider.

Pycnogenol in the Treatment of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A very exstensive page on Pycnogenol, with FAQ's, history, research citations, articles and books.

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EEG Biofeedback for ADHD


EEG Biofeedback: An Alternative to Ritalin: EEG Biofeedback is used for many conditions and disabilities in which the brain is not working as well as it might. These include Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and more severe conduct problems, specific learning disabilities, and related issues such as sleep problems in children, teeth grinding, and chronic pain such as frequent headaches or stomach pain, or pediatric migraines. The training is also helpful with the control of mood disorders such as anxiety and depression, as well as for more severe conditions such as medically uncontrolled seizures, minor traumatic brain injury, or cerebral palsy.

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Traditional Chinese Medicine and ADHD


[Links coming soon.]

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ADDA 2000 National Conference: "Tapping the Potential, Fulfilling Life's Dreams": May 5, 6 and 7, 2000; Atlanta, Georgia. [The entire conference schedule, speakers and presenters are available on this page]

Bridging the Gap Between Research and Practice: Research-Supported Interventions for Students with Learning Disabilities : Sept 28 & 29, 2000; Charleston, Soth Carolina. [The conference will focus on methods that have been validated through research with students with LD; provide in-depth instruction so that teachers can implementp the methods in their classes; feature three-hour sessions in which the methods will be described, modeled, and practiced; and willl imit participation in each session to approximately 50 participants. Presenters include: Anita Archer, Donald Deshler, Doug Fuchs, Lynn Fuchs, Steve Graham, Charles Hughes, and Jean Schumaker.]

New Biological Directions in Autism: A Conference for Parents and Professionals October 14 & 15, 2000; Orlando, Florida. This conference has been organized in order to give parents and professionals increased access to the most current and scientifically valid information concerning the biology of autism. A panel of leading research scientists and clinicians, including experts in the areas of gastrointestinal, immune, metabolic and neuroendocrine systems will describe the biology of these systems and their dysregulation in autistic spectrum disorders (ASD). The objective will be to make complex biology meaningful to conference participants. Parents and professionals who have a clear and scientifically sound overview of the biology relevant to autism, will be better equipped to understand the underlying issues and to work toward resolution of the biological problems that pertain to their children and patients.

Twelfth Annual Conference on Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Nov 1 - 4, 2000; Chicago, Illinois.

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Treatment Centers, Clinics & Physicians who specialize in ADHD


Attention Deficit Disorder Center: ADDC provides services for people with Attention Deficit Disorder and other disorders of attention and impulse control, as well as to people with mood and anxiety disorders. It is affiliated with the NYU Medical Center.

The Pfeiffer Treatment Center: A nonprofit medical facility dedicated to researching, educating, and treating chemical imbalances. Their doctors prescribe an individualized nutrient program based on lab findings and a medical/social history. Patients come to the Center with either a diagnosis of or symptoms of conditions related to Autism, ADD/ADHD, depression, bipolar, schizophrenia, and other mood/thought or learning/behavior disorders.

Learning Discoveries Psychological Services (LDPS): This Center in Australia offers wholistic remediation and alternatives to medication for individuals with learning difficulties, ADD/ADHD, anxiety, depression, addictions, autistic spectrum disorders and other behavioural problems. Services include Assessment and Screening, Counselling and Remediation, QEEG, Biofeedback and Neurofeedback, Heart Rate Variability Training, Sound Therapy, Diet and Nutrition, Retained Reflexes, Hypnotherapy, Body Work - Massage, Bowen Therapy, Craniosacral Therapy, Breathwork, and Meditation. The teaching methods and programmes used are based on the latest research from cognitive psychology and brain studies, blended in a unique way to accommodate diverse learning styles and needs. Many links and articles are included on this site.

National ADDA Professionals Yellow Pages: Although ADDA does not specifically endorse any particular resource, this site lists camps and schools for children with ADHD, ADHD coaches, mental health professionals, physicians, tutors and educational specialists.

Questions To Ask When Selecting a Professional To Assess or Treat ADHD: From the Parent Journal, a quarterly publication for parents of children with learning differences, published by the Parents' Educational Resource Center (PERC), this pages lists family questions, questions for the professional who may do the assessment, questions for the professional who may do treatment and review questions.

Eye Doctors: Vision Testing for ADHD: This automated directory/database gives free referrals to vision specialists, with a form questionnaire submission site.

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Preventing Harm: A Resource and Action Center on Children and the Environment: Many chemicals widely used by industry and commonly found at home are toxic to the developing brain and can cause developmental disabilities including behavioral and learning disabilities, hyperactivity, attention deficit, lower IQ and motor skill impairment. How can we protect our children from environmental harm during vulnerable periods of development? This site is about learning more, finding resources, sharing what we learn, and taking action for our families and communities.

The Whole Brain Atlas and Whole Brain Atlas Top 100 Brain Structures: Harvard Medical School's ambitious research and educational site is a catalog of medical images of actual human brains - from models that are normal and healthy to specimens with diseased, injured, and disordered tissue. Set off by examining some of the more than 100 different structures in the brain, and catch up on normal brain function and anatomy.

Mud Creek Farm: Center for Equine-Assisted Therapy: Horses and donkeys partner with humans to bring the multi-sensory gifts of alignment and adjustment to the less able, the unable and the disabled. Hippo (horse) and Ono (donkey) therapy engage the physical, cognitive, emotional, behavioral, spiritual and storied lives of people in an actual arena for healing. Myths, folklore and fairy-tale reflect the tenets of equine-assisted therapy, reinforcing and resurfacing the foundational power of a practice whose worth is already acclaimed through medical evidence.

ADHD and Learning-Related Visual Problems: Some symptoms attributed to ADD/ADHD are also seen in children and adults with visual problems, sensory integration dysfunction and/or allergies. This site explores how children with dyslexia and other undetected vision problems are sometimes inaccurately diagnosed as having ADD or ADHD. Provides guidance for diagnosis and questions for vision specialists listed on these pages.

Superphonics: Tracy Sherwood developed this program for children in dire need of serious breakthroughs in learning aptitude. Different programs and tutorials address and treat weaknesses in areas of wide range, including low concentration and focus, poor comprehension, inability to spell or sound out words, low confidence and complete shut down and tune-out right in the middle of a thought process. Intellectual and emotional barriers are the underlying and most serious concerns.

Lantern Books: Publishes books on alternative medicine, natural healing, spirituality,Ôvegetarianism, and animal advocacy. Some of their titles include Iscador: Mistletoe in Cancer Therapy by Christine Murphy, Dr. Mom's Quick Reference Guide to Natural Healthcare at Home by Kathy Duerr, Findhorn Flower Essences Ôby Marion Leigh, and A Remarkable Medicine Has Been Overlooked by Jack Dreyfus.

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