Autism and mercury detoxification: List of DAN! doctors

Referral List of DAN! Doctors who Offer Mercury Detoxification Treatments for Autism

¡ Important Announcement about Dr. Amy Holmes !

It is with great regrets that we must inform you that due to health reasons, Dr. Amy Holmes is no longer able to continue in her practice and will not be able to personally reply to your emails regarding the chelation of mercury in the treatment of autism or other related matters.

Dr. Amy - as many of you know her - is a physician-mother of an autistic child, and (along with Dr. Stephanie Cave, author of the book, What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Children's Vaccinations) had been exploring the testing and treatment for mercury poisoning in autistic spectrum children for several years in her Baton Rouge, Louisiana clinic. She was a leading practitioner of oral chelation for children who showed evidence of brain mercury and one of a group of physicians who pioneered a new direction in medical detoxification of children based on careful attention to testing and nutrient/mineral supplementation.

She and her group were working with around 800 patients (and a very long waiting list) in treatment for heavy metal toxicity; her own autistic son who was non-verbal at four years of age is totally off the spectrum and normal in most ways after two years of chelation. Previous chelation protocols for children have not been adequately defined and effective to our knowledge, especially since what we're seeing in these epidemic proportions is a newly defined syndrome called "regressive" or "late onset" autism.

Dr. Amy Holmes and Dr. Stephanie Cave were among the first clinicians to treat autistic children using chelation. Together, they have successfully recovered hundreds of autistic children through detoxification, and their willingness to share their experiences and protocols with the wider network of DAN! Doctors has helped thousands of other children. Their treatment success led to a DAN! Summit - where Dr. Holmes participated in a group of 26 toxicity experts who convened for three days in February of 2001 to create the first consensus paper on mercury detoxification, the Mercury Detoxification Consensus Position Paper in Autism and Related Developmental Disorders.

Dr. Stephanie Cave and a wide range of physicians are attempting to integrate her extensive case-load. Until all these arrangements and re-assignments can be made, we respectfully request that you do not contact Dr. Cave directly unless you or your child were already an established patient of Dr. Holmes. We are providing below - through information registered with the Autism Research Institute (ARI) - a list of practitioners who deal with heavy metal detoxification for you to contact. We will notify you here when Dr. Stephanie Cave is able to take referrals.

We will continue to list - and highly recommend that you read - Dr. Holmes' following articles on our website:

  See Also Our New Section →     autism linked to vaccines

Doctors & Practitioners who Offer Heavy Metal Detoxification Services Recommended by Dr. Amy Holmes

The doctors listed below were recommended by Amy Holmes and are not in any particular order of preference. Those she knew personally are notated by a red asterisk [ * ]. Dr. Holmes noted about this list: "There may be some on the DAN! Practitioner list on the ARI web site who are also very good, but I just don't know anything about them."

Following Dr. Amy Holme's list below is the Complete List of DAN Doctors and Practititoners from the Autism Research Institute's webite who have indicated that they offer mercury and other heavy metal detoxification services.

Index of DAN! Practitioners (by State) who Offer Mercury Detoxification and/or Other Heavy Metal Detoxification Services

Since its establishment in 1967, the Autism Research Institute has had as a major priority the tracking of promising treatments for autism. To accelerate the development and dissemination of information that will be helpful to many families of autistic children, the Autism Research Institute convened the first Defeat Autism Now! (DAN!) conference in Dallas in January, 1995. Follow-up DAN! conferences have been held each Spring and Fall to further advance the treatment of autism. The conferences have produced a base of physicians who wish to employ rational, scientifically sound approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of autism, and who regard psychoactive drugs as their last choice, not their first.

Previously, some parents had reported to the Autism Research Institute that certain DAN!-listed practitioners they contacted were in fact not truly sympathetic to the DAN! approach, despite their having requested to be on ARI's DAN! referral list. In response to this problem, in July 2002 ARI requested all those on the DAN! practitioners list to sign a statement asserting that they subscribe to the DAN! philosophy, and conduct their practice in accordance with the DAN! philosophy. (The Defeat Autism Now! Philosophy Statement can be downloaded here.) They were also asked to indicate which DAN!-related interventions they offer.

The following is a list of physicians and other health practitioners who utilize the DAN Protocol in their practices and have indicated that they specifically offer interventions for mercury and other heavy metal detoxification. While it is a current as possible, there may be changes and additions which have not been included. If you have information on other physicians who use this protocol or who no longer are in practice, please contact us. We will update this list, as a service to you, on a regular basis. This list is as accurate as possible, however no claim is made that it is completely accurate. To find out for sure if a physician or practitioner on this list is using the DAN Protocol, contact their office for information. Also, note that some health care practitioners listed below are not physicians, and therefore are not able to provide many of the DAN! diagnostic and treatment options. However, many of these practitioners do provide extremely helpful treatments and advice, and may be able to suggest helpful local physicians who are not yet on the DAN! list.

Index of Practitioners By State

See also, Mothering Magazine: What about Mercury?: Getting Thimerosal Out of Vaccines, Issue 105, March/April 2001, By Lisa Reagan.

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