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Research and Organizations
Autism Research Institute: The Autism Research Institute (ARI), a non-profit organization established in 1967, is primarily devoted to conducting research, and to disseminating the results of research, on the causes of autism and on methods of preventing, diagnosing and treating autism and other severe behavioral disorders of childhood.
Families for Early Autism Treatment: FEAT is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing world class Education, Advocacy, and Support for the Northern California Autism Community.
The Cure Autism Now (CAN) Foundation: An organization of parents, clinicians and scientists dedicated to finding effective biological treatments, prevention and a cure for autism and related disorders
The National Alliance for Autism Research (NAAR): A national nonprofit organization dedicated to finding the causes, prevention, effective treatment and, ultimately, cure of the autism spectrum disorders.
Developmental Delay Resources (DDR): A nonprofit organization dedicated to meeting the needs of those working with children who have developmental delays in sensory motor, language, social, and emotional areas.
Defeat Autism Now! (DAN!): The Autism Research Institute convened a group of about 30 carefully selected physicians and scientists in Dallas in January, 1995, for the express purpose of sharing information and ideas toward defeating autism as quickly as possible. One major goal of the DAN! Conference was to produce a document that could be used by physicians everywhere as a guide for the clinical assessment of autistic patients, leading to appropriate treatment.
Children's Neurobiological Solutions, Inc. (CNS): A national, non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization, whose mission is to orchestrate cutting-edge, collaborative research with the goal of expediting the creation of effective treatments and therapies for children with neurodevelopmental abnormalities, birth injuries to the nervous system, and related neurological problems. Recent advances in biomedicine, particularly in the fields of developmental neurobiology, stem cell research and genetics, has opened the gateway towards the discovery of brain repair therapies which can enhance mobility and cognition, giving quality of life and health to these children.
Visual Literacy Solutions: This organization offers highly successful Literacy and Behavior Intervention Programs focused on addressing the "root" causes which block learning. Adults and children can now eliminate their challenges in learning to read, write, spell or do math. Visual Literacy Solutions utilizes a distinctly effective combination of Traumatic Incident Reduction (TIR), Skilled Counselling Techniques, and the widely successful methods outlined in "The Gift of Dyslexia" and "The Gift of Learning" by Ronald Davis. They deliver education, correction and healing while working together with parents, teachers, and supportive individuals who share a commitment in addressing the specialized learning needs of Dyslexia, ADD, ADHD mild FAS and high functioning Autistic individuals. Individual, group or family programs are available.
Learning Discoveries Psychological Services (LDPS): This Center in Australia offers holistic remediation and alternatives to medication for individuals with learning difficulties, ADD/ADHD, anxiety, depression, addictions, autistic spectrum disorders and other behavioural problems. Services include Assessment and Screening, Counselling and Remediation, QEEG, Biofeedback and Neurofeedback, Heart Rate Variability Training, Sound Therapy, Diet and Nutrition, Retained Reflexes, Hypnotherapy, Body Work - Massage, Bowen Therapy, Craniosacral Therapy, Breathwork, and Meditation. The teaching methods and programmes used are based on the latest research from cognitive psychology and brain studies, blended in a unique way to accommodate diverse learning styles and needs. Many links and articles are included on this site.
The Institutes For The Achievement of Human Potential: The Institutes®, founded by Glenn Doman in 1955, is a nonprofit educational organization that serves children by introducing parents to the field of child brain development. Parents learn how to enhance significantly the development of their children physically, intellectually and socially. The Institutes® has programs for both brain-injured and well children, bookstores, question and answer areas and professional articles.
Child Neurology Society: The CNS is a 1300-member non-profit professional association of pediatric neurologists devoted to fostering the discipline of child neurology and promoting the optimal care and welfare of children with neurological and neurodevelopmental disorders. Composed of academic and practicing pediatric neurologists, the CNS has a four part mission to ensure and maintain excellence in patient care, education and training, research, and advocacy.
Apraxia-Kids: This website is an information source offered by the Childhood Apraxia of Speech Association. Apraxia-Kids is the most comprehensive site on the web related to childhood apraxia of speech, its diagnosis and treatment, as well as other speech and language issues related to children with developmental delays or late talkers. Apraxia of speech is the difficulty or inability in volitionally sequence the motor patterns for sounds, syllables or words in the absence of paralysis, or lowered tone of the articulators. This extensive site has original articles from experts on apraxia in children as well as other professionals and parents. The site is especially a good resource in that it was written and designed to be accessible and understandable to parents as well as professionals.
The MAX Foundation: The MAX Foundation is a not for-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of Special Education awareness and to supporting deserving schools, research centers and organizations providing for children with special needs. These issues include Autism and its spectrum disorders, Learning and Speech Delays, Neurological Impairments, Emotional Disorders, and other Developmental Disabilities.
UC Davis M.I.N.D. (Medical Investigation of Neurodevelopmental Disorders) Institute: For growing numbers of families, neurodevelopmental disorders transform dreams into a nightmare. To help those with neurodevelopmental disorders live active and healthy lives, the University of California, Davis, Health System has established a unique interdisciplinary institute to conduct research and provide clinical programs focused on these disorders.
The Children's Environmental Health Network: A national multi-disciplinary project whose mission is to promote a healthy environment and protect the fetus and the child from environmental health hazards.
The Pfeiffer Treatment Center: A nonprofit medical facility dedicated to researching, educating, and treating chemical imbalances. Their doctors prescribe an individualized nutrient program based on lab findings and a medical/social history. Patients come to the Center with either a diagnosis of or symptoms of conditions related to Autism, ADD/ADHD, depression, bipolar, schizophrenia, and other mood/thought or learning/behavior disorders.
National Institute of Conductive Education: Opened by Diana, Princess of Wales in 1995, it demonstrates what can be achieved by children and adults with motor disorders given skilled and determined teaching, and the immense benefits of this for family life.
Brain and Tissue Bank for Developmental Disorders: Established by the Mental Retardation and Developmental Disorders Branch of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development to advance the research of developmental disorders. The expressed goal of these human tissue repositories is to systematically collect, store, and distribute brain and other tissues for research dedicated to the improved understanding, care and treatment of developmental disorders.
REACH: Research Excellence in Autism and Communication at Hopkins: REACH is program of several federally and privately funded projects designed to examine and understand the evolution of autism and communication. To accomplish this, REACH employs techniques designed to better understand underlying genetic, neurobiologic, attentional, executive function, language, social interaction, and cognitive factors in individuals with autism and related disorders.
The National Academy for Child Development: An international organization of parents and professionals dedicated to helping children and adults reach their full potential. Founded in 1979 by internationally recognized educator and lecturer Robert J. Doman, Jr., NACD designs very specific home Neurodevelopmental programs for infants, children and adults.
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Support Groups & Mailing Lists
Secretin Discussion Group: This List has gone inactive as of 6/23/2000. If you are interested in a group like this, please see the Autism Biomedical Discussion List. Please note that this list is not limited to the discussion of secretin.ïïOther topics of discussion include dietary interventions, nutritional protocols, medications, immunology, endocrinology, and other areas pertinent to diagnostics and treatment protocols for individuals with autism. Parents, physicians and researchers are encouraged to participate.ï
Secretin-Support: This list is for parents that have done the secretin infusion or are going to do the secretin infusion. This list is not for any medical advice. This is just a group of parents that want to share their experience with secretin and to help other parents that are thinking of doing the secretin infusion. Registration information.
FEAT (Families for Early Autism Treatment) List Servers: FEAT maintains a number of list servers, with two private lists, the OnLine-Newsletter and the FEATList.
GFCFKids: The principle aim of this list is to provide a discussion forum for parents of children on the autism spectrum who are avoiding gluten and casein and other substances in their children's diets. The discussions include practical information and tips on following a GFCF diet; scientific research and opinion; the latest developments in understanding GFCF diet-related health problems; your personal stories and experiences with relation to GFCF problems; information on what food is GFCF and what is not; tips on how to eat out of the house; recipes and tips on how to cook and prepare GFCF food; what vitamins, minerals, herbs and other supplements may be appropriate for a child with autism, how to cope with difficult diet demands, plus support for parents.
Visual Literacy Solutions: This resource offers highly successful literacy and behavioral intervention programs focused on addressing the "root" causes which block learning. Visual Literacy Solutions utilizes a distinctly effective combination of Traumatic Incident Reduction (TIR), Skilled Counselling Techniques, and the widely successful methods outlined in "The Gift of Dyslexia" and "The Gift of Learning" by Ronald Davis. They deliver education, correction and healing while working together with parents, teachers, and supportive individuals who share a commitment in addressing the specialized learning needs of Dyslexia, ADD, ADHD mild FAS and high functioning Autistic individuals. Individual, group or family programs are available.
HBO Public Discussion Forum: This mailing list is a Public Open Discussion Forum specially for the field of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy to facilitate a free flow of information, ideas, questions and answers between the HBO professionals, Specialists, and Technicians.
FGF: The purpose of this mailing list is to allow parents who are currently doing FGF2 with Dr. Luis Aguilar and those parents who are considering it to discuss their results, issues, ask questions, etc. Registration information.
Parents of Allergic Children (PAC): This non-profit support group, founded in 1992, provides support and information to parents whose children suffer from allergies to foods, chemicals and the environment. The main focus of the support group is for children with learning and/or behavior problems due to allergies and nutrition, and also contains a number of good related articles on autism.
St. John's Autism List: This is the FAQ for the Autism List which resides at St. Johns . It is meant to describe the list, and how to join it.
ME-LIST Home Page: The ME-LIST is an email list centered around discussion of issues related to provision of high-quality, intensive, discrete-trial-based intervention ( also often referred to as ABA - applied behavior analysis, behavioral intervention or "Lovaas" therapy) for children with autism.
"Breaking the Silence": A discussion list formed to bring to national notice that there is inadequate attention to autism awareness (among other issues) and are working towards presenting their message in Washington in the context of a march or rally in Washington DC on April 8, 2000.
MUMS: National Parent to Parent Network: MUMS is a National Parent to Parent Network whose mission is to help parents who have a child with a rare diagnosis make connections with other parents in similar situations.
Special Child Magazine: For Parents and Caregivers of Children with Special Needs.
Patient-Centered Guides: Autism Center: Patient-Centered Guides are a mix of medical, practical and emotional information, grounded in Western medicine, told by people who have been there. As with our other publishing programs, this series grew out of recognizing a need for a particular kind of information. The writers and editors in this series have encountered illnesses that have threatened or changed their lives.
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Retreat Centers
B. A. Bear Autism Foundation: This site has a unique focus for families of developmentally disabled children, particularly those on the autistic spectrum. The founders of this non-profit organization are building two Retreat Centers in natural sourroundings to provide 24-hour respite/retreat services to autistic children and their families, with a focus on alternate therapies and spiritual education. Activities will be planned with the entire family in mind and will include such things as interactions with therapy animals (dogs, horses, rabbits...); appropriate seasonal outings; and Parents Night Out Fun. Weekend or week-long retreats will be offered with full meal service and a staff trained in the care of developmentally disabled children will be present 24 hours a day. Their goal is to create a safe, loving, spiritually-oriented environment in which services are provided regardless of ability to pay and regardless of race, color, creed or ethnicity.
Autreat Conferences: Autreat, sponsored by Autism Network International - an autistic-run self-help and advocacy organization for autistic people - is a yearly retreat-style conference run by autistic people, for autistic people and our friends. Family members and professionals are also welcome, but the structure and content of Autreat are determined by the interests of autistic people. Autreat focuses on positive living with autism, not on causes, cures, or ways to make us more normal. Autreat is designed to be 'autistic space'.
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Opioid Issues
Gluten/Casein & Fatty Acids
GFCFDIET: Since 1999, this website has been a free resource for any parent who needs support implementing the GFCF Diet. It provides a central location for parents to find other parents who are also using Dietary Therapy. It is the largest resource of its kind on the Internet, not onlyïproviding lists ofïproducts to help guide you through the grocery stores butï also other relevant information which will assist every parent using the GFCF Diet.
GFCFKids: The principle aim of this list is to provide a discussion forum for parents of children on the autism spectrum who are avoiding gluten and casein and other substances in their children's diets. The discussions include practical information and tips on following a GFCF diet; scientific research and opinion; the latest developments in understanding GFCF diet-related health problems; your personal stories and experiences with relation to GFCF problems; information on what food is GFCF and what is not; tips on how to eat out of the house; recipes and tips on how to cook and prepare GFCF food; what vitamins, minerals, herbs and other supplements may be appropriate for a child with autism, how to cope with difficult diet demands, plus support for parents.
Autism Network for Dietary Intervention (ANDI): Providing Help And Support For Families Using A Gluten & Casein Free Diet In The Treatment Of Autism And Related Developmental Disabilities
Basics for the Gluten-Free Diet: A very complete source of information on how to exactly follow a gluten-free diet, put together by the Celiac Sprue Association.
Casein Peptide Appears To Cause Behavioral Disorders Similar To Autism: Article: Scientists from the University of Florida in Gainesville believe that they may have found a link between autism, schizophrenia and beta-casomorphin-7 (beta-CM7), a small peptide derived from the breakdown of casein in milk and milk products.
An Experimental Intervention For Autism: Understanding and Implementing a Gluten & Casein Free Diet, by Lisa S. Lewis, Ph.D.
Gluten-Free Diet: The purpose of this site is to provide people who have gluten intolerance and are not aware of it with a means of figuring out what their problem is, and to help those who know they have it lead more comfortable and healthy lives.
Gluten Free Food List: This list was created by the Celiac Disease On-Line Support Group members. This list was compiled from gluten-free food lists posted on their forum message board. Also has information on sources for gluten-free products.
Celiac Discussion List Archives: Coping with celiac (coeliac) disease, sprue, dermatitis herpetiformis, gluten intolerance, wheat allergy, and coincident intolerances, such as casein or lactose intolerance, including coping with the developmental delays and behavioral changes sometimes brought on or aggravated by gluten (Autism, Asperger's, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, etc.)
Autism Protocol for Nutritional Deficiencies and Pathology: This protocol, by Stephen Smith, M.D., is designed to correct the most commonly found nutritional deficiencies and pathology found in children and adults with Autism by laboratory testing. The new protocol now includes a section on gluten and casein free diets, and has changed the essential fatty acid component. Dr. Smith has also added a new probiotic product - Serenaid.
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Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment
The Hyperbaric Oxygen Trust: The aims of this site are to show current developments in establishing a centre of excellence for the work the Hyperbaric Oxygen Trust has done in recent years in the area of therapy and treatment for brain injured children and adults in support for their families.
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) adjunctive role in the treatment of Autism: This article is by Trish Planck. Clinical Director of Hyperbarics, Hyperbaric Oxygen Clinic of Nevada & Hyperbaric Oxygen Clinic of Santa Monica.
HBO Public Discussion Forum: This mailing list is a Public Open Discussion Forum specially for the field of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy to facilitate a free flow of information, ideas, questions and answers between the HBO professionals, Specialists, and Technicians.
Rapid Recovery Hyperbarics: A good website on the practical aspects of HBOT, put together by Susan and Pat Rodriguez, who began their hyperbaric oxygen clinic as a direct result of how great a difference this medical procedure has made in the lives of their family members.
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Gamma Interferon
Free Sulphates
Cholocystokinin and Autism
Oxytocin and Vasopressin in Autism
Autism and Amino Acids
Autism and Amino Acids: Tryptophan is an amino acid the body uses to produce serotonin, a powerful regulator of mood and behavior. Some researchers believe that dysregulation of serotonin function may profoundly influence the severity of symptoms in some individuals with autism, and may be closely connected with related immune system dysfunction.. .
Amino Acids Analysis: Great Smokies Diagnostic Laboratory's Amino Acids Analysis (plasma or urine) is a quick and convenient means of getting to the root of many chronic disorders. With the precise results provided by Amino Acids Analysis, nutritional deficits, metabolic impairments, and amino acid transport disorders can be accurately identified and corrected. .
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Autoimmune Issues
Neuro Immune Dysfunction Syndromes (N.I.D.S.): This site was developed for both Doctors and Patients to better understand and try to find cures for Autism, CFS / CFIDS and other auto immune diseases.
Immune Response to Brain Myelin in Autistic Children": Article by by Vijendra K. Singh, Reed P. Warren, Dennis Odell; Utah State University
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Viral Infection Issues
Vaccinations and Autism
All About Vaccines and Vaccinations: Our newest section includes: The DPT Vaccine | Diagnosis of Post-Vaccinal CNS Pathology | Vaccine-Induced Demyelination | Auto-Immunity, Vaccines and Autism | Database of Vaccine Injury | Vaccines and Mercury | The MMR Vaccine | Other Vaccination Concerns | The Rubeola (Measles) Vaccine | Conflict of Interest and Vaccine Development | The Hepatitis B Vaccine | Hepatitis B Vaccine| Information on Other Vaccines.
Global Vaccine Awareness League (GVAL): Dedicated to the education of parents and concerned citizens regarding childhood vaccinations, and the possibility of serious side-effects which may accompany them.
National Vaccine Information Center: The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) is a national, non-profit educational organization founded in 1982. It is the oldest and largest national organization advocating reformation of the mass vaccination system. NVIC is dedicated to the prevention of vaccine injuries and deaths through public education.
Vaccination News: Vaccination News provides news and information on vaccinations and related issues. It includes in its many sections: news on a daily basis; primary research on VAERS; personal stories of vaccine injury and death; literature searches; state information; MEHPA bills by state and their status; political action alerts; notice of workshops, seminars and other events; and the weekly column "Scandals", by Sandy Mintz. Other features are planned for the near future.
Autism and Vaccination: This webpage was set up with the express purpose of disseminating current information and research about the possible links between vaccination and autism.
Vaccine Information & Awareness: Vaccine Information & Awareness (VIA) empowers parents to question, challenge, investigate, research and become more informed and aware about vaccine risks and dangers that exist . The major philosophy of VIA, however, is to ensure that Freedom of Choice is not taken away from each parent.
Vaccinations II: How To Legally Avoid Immunizations.
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The Letters of Victoria Beck: The REAL story of the discovery of secretin and autism.
Repligen Corporation: This Company has recently secured exclusive, worldwide rights to a series of patent applications covering the use of secretin to treat autism. Repligen plans to manufacture a synthetic human form of the hormone and initiate human clinical trials within the year.
Secretin and Autism: The Role of Cysteine: Article by Susan L. Connors M.D. and Dorothy E. Crowell.
Could new therapy cure autism?: Dateline NBC's coverage of the Victoria Beck story: "Treatment using the hormone secretin is making a remarkabledifference for some autistic children. But equally remarkable is where the therapy came from - not medical researchers or the federal government, but rather from one mother and father who refused to give up."
Secretin Discussion Group: This List has gone inactive as of 6/23/2000. If you are interested in a group like this, please see the Autism Biomedical Discussion List. Please note that this list is not limited to the discussion of secretin.ïïOther topics of discussion include dietary interventions, nutritional protocols, medications, immunology, endocrinology, and other areas pertinent to diagnostics and treatment protocols for individuals with autism. Parents, physicians and researchers are encouraged to participate.ï
Secretin-Support: This list is for parents that have done the secretin infusion or are going to do the secretin infusion. This list is not for any medical advice. This is just a group of parents that want to share their experience with secretin and to help other parents that are thinking of doing the secretin infusion. Registration information.
Autism and Secretin: An excellent article by John Wills Lloyd. University of Virginia, Curry School of Education.
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Medications and Autism
Current Research into Medication and Autism, by Paul Shattock, Autism Research Unit, University of Sunderland: This report includes a brief consideration of the main groups of drugs employed with people with autism and discussses ethical issues, side effects, variations in response as well as dosage and compliance. References to over a dozen specific medications as well as certain food supplements.
Ahead with Autism: About Prednisone: Although the use of prednisone in autism is still experimental, and has not been clinically studied in a scientific manner, anecdotally, to date, prednisone appears to be one of the only medications that has a high rate of success in treating the underlying cause of speech loss or lack of speech in autism.
Evaluating the Effects of Medication, by Temple Grandin, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Colorado State University: When a medication is being evaluated to modify the behavior of a person with autism, one must assess the risks versus the benefits. The benefits of the medication must outweigh the risks. Some medications can damage the nervous system and other internal organs, such as the liver. These risks are greatest in young children because an immature nervous system may be more sensitive to harmful side effects.
Pediatric Psychopharmacology: Autism: A very extensive and well referenced study of many medications used in autism, by Paul Perry, Ph.D, BCPP and Sam Kuperman, M.D.
Melatonin - The Sleep Master: An emerging role for this over-the-counter supplement in the treatment of autism: One of the most common and most troubling times we experience is when we or our children cannot fall asleep effectively. Autistic children appear to be especially prone to this problem, and in has been estimated that more than half exhibit some disturbance in sleep patterns. This suggests some form of deficit in the brain systems that normally promote sleep. During the past decade there has been great progress in understanding the normal brain mechanisms which sustain restful sleep. Since a great number of sleep promoting substances exist in the brain and body, any of them might be deficient in neurological condition we call autism. This article from The Center for the Study of Autism focuses on one of the major factors, melatonin, which is presently proving to be a remarkably effective natural sleeping aid not only for restless autistic children but also their often bedraggled parents.
Placebo-Controlled Study of Risperidone for the Treatment of Childrenand Adolescents with Autism and Behavioral Symptoms: This NIMH-sponsored study evaluates the efficacy and safety of risperidone (Risperdal) in the treatment of children and adolescents with autistic disorder, who suffer from dysfunctional symptoms such as impulsive aggression, agitation, self-injurious behavior, or other similar forms of troublesome behavior associated with autism. The primary target of the treatment is to reduce impairing behavioral symptoms without significant side effects. A secondary aim is to evaluate possible improvement in the level of social relatedness, attention, motor coordination, and short-term memory.
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Prenatal Aspartame Exposure
"Breaking the Silence": April 8, 2000; Washington D.C.
Autism2002: September 6th & 7th, 2002; Novotel London West Hotel & Covention Centre; Sponsored by the: National Autistic Society (NAS).
Growing up with ASD: A Conference of Perspectives on Autistic Spectrum Disorders: October 15-16, 2002; Grand Rapids, Michigan; Presenters: Dr. Ami Klin, Dr. Barry Prizant, Michelle Garcia Winner, Ros Blackburn; Sponsored by the: The Gray Center for Social Learning and Understanding.
Autism One Conference: May 2-4, 2003; Loyola University; Chicago, Illinois; Speakers: Dr. James B. Adams, Teresa Binstock, Liz Birt, Cheryl Blackwell, Bruce Boyer, Dr. Brazdziunas, Dr. Tim Buie, Dr. Jeffrey Cantor, Dr. Stephanie Cave, Dr. Andy Cutler, Dr. Sydney M. Finegold, Dr. Steve Foote (NIH), Raymond Gallup, Dr. Boyd Haley, Dr. John Hicks, Sonja Hintz, Dr. Patricia Kane, Dr. Carola Lage-Roy, Michael Lang, Stephanie Marohn, Dr. Lewis Mehl-Madrona, Dr. Joseph Morrow, April Oaks, Susan Owens, Dr. Isaac Pessah (MIND Institute), Morana Petrofski, Betsy Prohaska, Dr. Tim Ray, Rick Rollens (co-founder MIND Institute), Dr. Ravi Roy, Dr. Andr» Saine, Jeff Sell, Dr. William Shaw, Dr. Tinus Smits, Dr. Aristo Vojdani, Dr. William Walsh, Andrea Watson, Dr. Brian Wikoff, Dr. Marshalyn Yeargin-Allsopp (CDC); Sponsored by: Autism Aspergers Digest, Looking Up, Homeopathy Today, Mothering Magazine, The Schafer Autism Report, Autism Immunity Project, Cure Autism Now (CAN), Moms on a Mission for Autism (MoMA).
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Communication in Autism: This page from the NIH explains how speech and language normally develop, what causes speech and language problems in autism, particular communication problems of autism, how these problems are treated and what research is being conducted to improve the communication of individuals with autism.
Flexyx Neurotherapy System (FNS): FNS - a biofeedback procedure - is being studied as a potential treatment of adults and children with CNS-mediated disorders, including autism. It has been shown to produce rapid resolution of difficult cognitive, mood, anxiety, clarity, energy, and physical movement problems when compared with more traditional forms of EEG-neurotherapy and psychotherapy.
Autism Report: A Report to the Legislature: Changes in the Population of Persons with Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders in California's Developmental Services System: 1987 through 1998. Also, an Executive Summary of the above.
The NIDS Medical Advisory Board: A Draft Proposal of its Neuro-Immunology Hypothesis Statement Concerning Autism.: Clinical Hypothesis - Immune "Dysfunction / Dysregulation" - A Reason for Childhood Neuro-Cognitive Dysfunction. A 13 page report from N.I.D.S (Neuro-Immune Dysfunction Syndromes).
Autism and Neurofeedback: Learning and behavior problems of children often reflect deficiencies in the way the brain regulates itself. EEG biofeedback (also called Neurofeedback) is a learning strategy that enables people to alter their brain waves, to influence and fine-tune the brain's own regulatory mechanisms.
Lantern Books: Publishes books on alternative medicine, natural healing, spirituality, vegetarianism, and animal advocacy. Some of their titles include Iscador: Mistletoe in Cancer Therapy by Christine Murphy, Dr. Mom's Quick Reference Guide to Natural Healthcare at Home by Kathy Duerr, Findhorn Flower Essences by Marion Leigh, and A Remarkable Medicine Has Been Overlooked by Jack Dreyfus.
The Whole Brain Atlas and Whole Brain Atlas Top 100 Brain Structures: Harvard Medical School's ambitious research and educational site is a catalog of medical images of actual human brains - from models that are normal and healthy to specimens with diseased, injured, and disordered tissue. Set off by examining some of the more than 100 different structures in the brain, and catch up on normal brain function and anatomy.
Facilitated Communication Institute: Facilitated communication is an alternative means of expression for people who cannot speak, or whose speech is highly limited, and who cannot point reliably. The method has been used as a means to communicate for individuals with severe disabilities, including persons with labels of mental retardation, autism, Down syndrome and other developmental disabilities.
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Frequently Used Acronyms: This is a list and explanation of acronyms fequently used in the Autistic community.
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