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   This Section: Autism Treatments: Alternative and Innovative Therapies for the Treatment Of Autism

On this page we will list many of the promising treatments for autism that we have reviewed, as well as experimental trials that have yet to be evaluated. This list will be updated as more information becomes available or when new research results are published. You can also suggest or recommend a treatment that you know about by using the Interactive Web-Forums on this topic. Each treatment topic is linked to its own page.

    For each of these specific treatment pages there will be:

    List of Autism Treatments:

alternative therapies for autistic children   Assessment of Autistic Children for Metabolic Disorders

alternative therapies for autistic children   New: Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist (ATEC)

alternative therapies for autistic children   Secretin Therapy

alternative therapies for autistic children   Nutritional Therapies and Autism

alternative therapies for autistic children   Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatments

alternative therapies for autistic children   Fibroblast Growth Factor 2

alternative therapies for autistic children   Live Cell and Stem Cell Therapy

alternative therapies for autistic children   Anti-fungal Treatment

alternative therapies for autistic children   Antibiotic Therapy to Improve Autism

alternative therapies for autistic children   Naltrexone (NTX) Treatment

alternative therapies for autistic children   Intensive psychological approaches

alternative therapies for autistic children   Intensive Educational Therapies for Autistic Children

alternative therapies for autistic children   IV Immunoglobulin Therapy

alternative therapies for autistic children   Detoxification for Heavy Metals as a Treatment for Autism

alternative therapies for autistic children   EEG Bio-feedback

alternative therapies for autistic children   Somatic therapies

alternative therapies for autistic children   Craniosacral Therapy for Autism and Other Developmental Delays

alternative therapies for autistic children   Traditional Chinese medicine

alternative therapies for autistic children   Play therapy

alternative therapies for autistic children   Music Therapy

alternative therapies for autistic children   Immunotherapy

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Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist (ATEC)

The Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist

The Autism Research Institute (ARI) has recently provided this research instrument and simple Internet scoring procedure as a valid means of measuring the effectiveness of various treatments for autism. The ATEC is a one-page form consisting of four subtests developed by Drs. Bernard Rimland and Stephen M. Edelson. Users of the ATEC may have it scored free (4 subscores and a total score) by entering the responses via computer to the ATEC Form on the website for immediate and free-of-cost scoring.

Over the years, researchers have published hundreds of studies attempting to evaluate different biomedical and psycho-educational interventions intended to benefit autistic children, however, much of this research has produced inconclusive or, worse, misleading results, because there are no useful tests or scales designed to measure treatment effectiveness.

Thus, a major obstacle in useful autism research has been the lack of a valid means of measuring the effectiveness of various treatments. By introducing the Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist, the Autism Research Institute is paving the way for pertinent new research information that has heretofor been unavailable or difficult to evaluate.

books on autism spectrum disorders and treatments for autistic children

    Autism Treatments in Trials Yet to Be Evaluated


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