discussion forums on alternative medicine and treatments for children with autism, developmental delays, brain injury and neurological or metabolic disorders

general discussion forum for parents of children with developmental delays
General Discussion Forum:

This Web-Forum can be used to ask questions, post information or respond to queries regarding children with any developmental delay, brain injury, neurological or metabolic or genetic condition that is not covered by one of the more specific Web-Forums listed below. Click on the Nautilus to the left to go to this Forum.

autism discussion forum for professionals and parents of children with autistic spectrum disorders
Autism Forum:

This Web-Forum can be used to ask questions, post information or respond to queries regarding children with autism or any autistic spectrum disorder or related condition. Click on the Nautilus to the left to go to this Forum.

discussion forum for professionals and parents on the spiritual aspects of special needs children
Forum on the Spiritual Aspects of Special Needs Children:

Too often parents are overwhelmed by daily care, treatments, medications and doctor's visits to take time to really reflect on the spiritual side of their relationships with their special needs children. It is our hope to create a comfortable space, away from the constraints of "traditional" thinking, to discuss the intuitional, spiritual, dream or psychic experiences parents are having with their children. Whatever your extraordinary experience with your child, we'd like to hear from you. The heart whispers and the soul can speak in more ways than just words. We hope you will share your stories so we can begin to explore the unique ways these children do communicate that may go unrecognized. Click on the Nautilus to the left to go to this Forum.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivy Disorder (ADHD) discussion forum for professionals and parents of children with ADHD and related disorders
Attention Deficit Hyperactivy Disorder (ADHD) Forum:

This Web-Forum can be used to ask questions, post information or respond to queries regarding children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or any related symptoms or conditions. Click on the Nautilus to the left to go to this Forum.

Cerebral Palsy discussion forum for professionals and parents of children with CP
Cerebral Palsy Forum:

Now Online!

As a complement to our new section on conventonal and alternative treatments for Cerebral Palsy, please feel free to add your knowledge, input, insights and questions regarding this condition. We will be discussing possible causes of CP, conventional drug therapy and surgical options, as well as new treatments like stem-cell therapy, hyperbaric oxygen (HBOT), the Adeli Suit, "Spider" and amino acid therapies and many more topics. Click on the Nautilus to the left to go to this Forum.

Forums Maintained by Lewis Mehl-Madrona, M.D., Ph.D.

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alternative therapies for children with developmental disorders and related neurometabolic conditions website

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